stories of glory

Favor with God and Man
January 2, 2024
I returned to full-time self-employment and entrepreneurship at the beginning of December and have been diligently working on a new service that I want to provide early career professionals. I've been meeting with old and new connections to vet the idea and discuss ensuring that the service is financially accessible to the audience. I realized that for some to invest in this development opportunity for themselves or employees, I may need a proof of concept which would require some level of external funding.
This morning, I had my first meeting of the year. I met with this gentleman in early December, but this time, I wanted to go in with an ask. Maya and I both prayed for favor with him and intentionally prayed into the word received regarding 2024 being the year of open doors. I had never asked a connection for money - only for new connections and opportunities.
Within the first 5 mins, he granted me $40k for the program with no ROI requirement - only updates on the success of the program. The rest of the meeting was fruitful as well - lots of wisdom and insight to carry forward into this process. Glory to God!